5 Components to Any Successful Fitness Plan
We know exercise is good for us but how do we build a long term plan for success?
Do you want to be fit, healthy, and pain free but do not know where to start? At this point, everyone agrees health and fitness are crucial to living a fulfilled life. But where do we start? Often, working out 3-4 times a week does not cut it. Some are diligent about getting exercise, others better with their diet, but often we do not see the results. This is because successful fitness and wellness is multifaceted. Below you will discover 5 components to a successful fitness and health program.
NUTRITION: You Can Not Out Exercise a Crappy Diet
It is common to have the mindset of exercising only to counter your diet.
“I run to burn off what I eat and drink.”
“I ate a bunch last night so I need to work out a lot today.”
This mindset is a mistake. It will be very difficult to make progress and sustained improvement in your fitness with that framework. Food needs to be viewed as an energy source and recovery tool, not a negative aspect which we have to manage. High level workouts can only be performed when providing your body the proper nutrition to benefit from the work. It is beyond the scope of our discussion to break down a daily meal plan, but here are a few key factors to a healthy diet.
you can’t out exercise this lifestyle
Eat from a variety of food sources. Ideally the more we eat natural sources either plant or animal, the better. Your body will absorb nutrients better from organic sources. Do not try to supplement your way to a healthy diet.
Try to avoid drinking your calories. If your goal is to gain mass protein shakes and green drinks are beneficial. The goal should be to limit sugar and caffeinated drinks filled with calories. Limit energy drinks and alcohol as they will break down the body limiting fat loss and recovery.
Strive to eat three meals a day with a protein source roughly about fist size, a green or veggie, and a healthy starch (quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice). This will provide your body the constant supply of nutrients to recover and grow.
Put thought into your diet, use meal prep to improve healthy eating throughout the day, and track calories if you are attempting weight loss or gain.
SLEEP: The Best Form of Recovery
There is a lot of new positive research on the benefits of sleep. Proper sleep will improve mental function, muscle recovery, reduce stress, and improve baseline vitals. If you work out hard and do not sleep your body will not be ready for the next workout. Likewise, if you are stressed and functioning at sub-optimal levels, expect your workout to reflect that. Ideally you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Every hour you get to sleep before midnight counts as 2 hours in terms of rest and recovery. Tricks to help improve sleeping include: a cold room, a dark room, no screen time for an hour before bed, and building a routine (go to bed the same time each night)
PAIN FREE MOVEMENT: Don’t Hit the Wall with your Training
We all experience pain in some form each day. Pain becomes significant when it keeps us from our fitness goals and routine. Everyone should strive to perform basic fundamental movement patterns of squatting, hinging, pushing, pulls, lunging, and carrying pain free. If you can’t touch your toes or reach fully overhead, expect that there will be compensatory strategies to accommodate for your lack of mobility with functional movement. Make mobility and stability a staple of your program. Lost on where to start? Reach out to us to get a free 30min video call to talk through strategies.
COACHING AND PROGRAM DESIGN: You can’t do the Same Thing for Every
Your body is smart and will adapt to load, therefore demands diversity in order to continue to progress. If you run 3-5 miles every day, you will start to get less out of each run as time Goes on. Similar accommodations and plateaus will occur with weight lifting. You need a program that evolves every 4-8 weeks, which challenges the system but also promotes recovery. Hiring a trained professional to build a comprehensive exercise program specific to your needs is a valuable asset to long term health and wellness.
ITS A LIFESTYLE: For Success Health and Fitness is a Lifestyle not a Task
Long term success requires a balance of proper exercise, sleep and diet. It cannot be something you “do” a couple times a week. Being healthy is a lifestyle. Find a routine that works. Try to exercise before work each day so there are no excuses after work. Find a workout partner or friend to hold you accountable. Follow a 1-3 month program versus randomly exercising, intermittently, without a purpose. Establishing a routine is only hard at first, once unhealthy cravings/poor habits disappear and getting up early feels good, you will learn that living and eating healthy is enjoyable.
Find one or two components from the 5 items above to address. Make it a priority over the next 4-6 weeks and appreciate the positive changes you will see in your fitness and wellbeing. Reach out to Capacity Performance Therapy regarding any health, fitness, or rehabilitation needs at nickh@capacitypt.com or send a direct message. Enjoy!